out beyond ideas of right & wrong doing,
there is a field, i’ll meet you there
SCW accesses the ancestral fates, ancestral trauma, ancestral coping, and unresolved ancestral entanglement in the lives of descendants.
Karen Dremel
A SCW circle is usually a full day process where 7 plus folks gather to support the work of 3 - 5 clients. Each client’s process is between 1 to 1.5 hours. The circle is populated by a mixture of folks with years of experience to folks exploring for the first time.
There are several entry points to Systemic Constellation Work. You can be a passive witness holding space for the work.
If you are witnessing & are asked to represent you have two choices - you may graciously accept or decline. If you accept, you will step into the systemic field of the client & be led by Monique to offer somatic (of the body) reports. The body will lead & you do not need prior experience.
If you have an issue to constellate & would like to be client or seeker, you would sit in the client/seeker chair for an intake with Monique to decide on representatives. These ‘reps’ would then be chosen from the group. The beauty of this work is that you also will chose a representative for yourself & get to observe the aspects of your system interacting in the knowing field.
Regardless of which entry point you choose, you will undoubtedly leave rich with new insight into the human condition.
All members of a system have the right to belong regardless of their capacity & their choices. Including, acknowledging & seeing all parts of a system is fundamental for the flow of love to return.
The order in which someone arrives in a system - whether familial, friend or organization - matters. Attending to order & lineage restores the equilibrium in a system.
A balance of giving & receiving nurtures healthful systems. The flow of offering & receiving support is instrumental in a strong sense of connection, value & autonomy.