
wherever you stand
be the soul of that place

Me + you

You are the blueprint for our sessions. Together we drop into your present & notice & attend to threads that pull from the past as well as those that tug us toward the future. These mending loops reach back to find broken connections thus opening space for the dreaming loops that reach forward. This collaboration is both an untangling & re-weaving that gently widens perspective and insights shifts. I increasingly utilize tabletop constellation work with objects to bypass the intellect and its narratives to unlock the deep knowing that resides within each of us. This intuitive, gut & heart knowing is our own ultimate loving & fierce teacher.





Trust is the foundation. Its relational. Inter-relational, between me & you, as well as intra-relational, between you & yourself (body, mind, heart, spirit). My role is one of unshakable trust in you, in your knowing, in your ability to embody your life fully in the shadow & the light. This reflection I offer may shake or activate you, disquiet or inspire you. Ultimately, with patience & perserverance you will find it begin to encourage, mend, & build intrinsic trust toward the process, toward yourself & toward your life’s purpose.


Good news…your presence in this sentence means you already have this creative quality within you. Together we will play at seeing ourselves in the clear, honest, free & bright light of the child-mind. Shake off the structures that limit our vision & instead ask all questions, move into unknown spaces, explore possibility, & celebrate every small step toward your chosen destination. Curiosity allows us to take an honest look at what we carry, how we carry it & if we want to take it forward, as well as, what is missing or needed for the next leg of the journey. Curiosity may have killed the cat but honey, you are not a cat.


Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently. Maya Angelou

Cor or heart, is the latin root of the word courage whose original meaning was to speak one's mind by telling all one's heart. With trust & curiosity we open space for courage, for the heart’s desires, doubts, fears & longings to come forward & point us to our true north.

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear — not absence of fear. Mark Twain

The beauty is that since we all have a heart… we all have courage.

investment offerings

The Tune Up :: 1.5 hour session $150 (all in)

The Deep Dive :: 5 or 10 session package deals available